Friday, April 07, 2006

Why conform?

Yes...why should one conform to the society?
Maybe so that there's no confusion.
What if my not being conformed causes no problem to anything, anything in the society?
I often wonder why I should do something because everyone does it? First thing is how it could be everyone if I'm not part of it :) But silly thoughts aside, why, if my being different causes no problem to anyone?
It's crazy. That everyone cries for movies, everyone likes rock, this that. Everyone doing something doesn't mean it is universal. So what if I don't cry when I watch movies? I think it's utterly stupid to get emotional for something that is false, fictitious. I can't. That I don't cry is no testimony to the fact that I'm someone emotionless. It's just that it takes different things to dig deep into my emotions and make them come out.
And what with music. Everyone likes rock. Or that rock is the music of the elite, those who like rock are the 'real' music fans, they're in the high strata. What rubbish! Who is anyone to even comment on any of my music tastes?! My music is my own. It's for me, my pleasure, my sadness, my companion. Not listening to any particular msuic doesn't make me any less of a music fan than anyone else.
The reason 'everyone does it' to get me doing something is the most irritating one I can ever get. Surprisingly to myself now, I used to give that reason at least five years back, telling my mother I want something because 'everyone else' has it. It irritates me to no extent these days, that the best I can do to stop myself from yelling is to shut up. My individualism has grown to such a great extent now that I'm actually scared. Scared that I'll displease some who matter the most to me. My 'I don't care' attitude is nearing levels it has never seen before, but this doesn't scare me. I know that I don't care only about things that are not of great consequence to me; things which, if absent, do not cause a great loss to me. Nowadays, my attitude has become one of 'If you think it's right, if you want, do it' I don't know if it's right or wrong, but again, who makes the right or wrong? Why should anyone conform to the society's right or wrong? Ultimately it all seems to boil down to the if-you-care concept. If you care about what society thinks about you, stop. If only your near and dear matter to you and they disapprove, stop too. If you don't really care about nothing, just go ahead. And this principle is damn exciting to live by!
I'm not completely an individual for whom other opinions have stopped to matter; it'll take ages for me to get to that stage, because there are a number of people that I always want to please, the people whose approval I want for everything I do in life.
For the others, I don't care. Don't expect me to do something because everyone does it.

P.S.: Dusting up this blog after ages. :)


At 11:25 PM, Blogger S m i t h a said...

its been ages indeed! very philosophical also.. are u taking Plato or Aristotle courses?
as a senior, i can tell u this: u r asking all the right questions and u've found the answers that fits u the most, forgetting the notion of right/wrong. way to go. but some times there are compromising required too. u've to draw the line between individualism and compromise.
ask me if u want more advice :) they are free :D

At 6:07 AM, Blogger Vani Viswanathan said...

s m i t h a,
Free advice? :)
And nope, no philosophical courses! But I'm really interested in philosophy...will read more of it when I get the time!

Oh god, I didn't realise i have word verifn for this blog too!

At 5:48 PM, Blogger matthew88 said...

thinking abt what u've written - ultimately every Human wants to live its own life;
Can you imagine how ppl wud act in society, if we knew for sure, that there is NO life after death and we get only once chance to live !
we draw our own boundaries as to what we think we shud do and whom we shud please...i still cant imagine a life that is totally lived for others / completely lived for myself !

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Sathish said...

You are in the right direction... only that there is no need to be angry and irritated. Just smile at those who expect these.. :)

At 8:24 AM, Blogger felinedev said...

hi a very very recent blogger....but every one 'll ve der own opinions n it shows in dese comments by ur frens too huh?:)
i i dentify wid "why conform" and am a non r a few examples/.....i din write my 12th theory and wrote it as a private candidate, but now am a graduate of nift n got thru another national entrance for nift n nid.......i jus beleived in myself n said to hell wid bein seen by society as dey want me to be seen!!
its not always easy, but i derive strength from belief dat man makes expectations ......der r so many parts of de world wer expectations are diff in diff ways!!
so y conform to one?!! afr all we're born free as pure potential as deepak chopra says!....
do read ayn rand and deepak chopra...dey helped me find a few answers:)


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