Disaster time
So long since I posted in this blog; felt like I was neglecting it badly! Here comes a post after more than a month, at a time when exams are beginning and everyone's busy studying (and me whiling away my time!).It's seriously disaster time all over the world. Things have not been good in India too. Starting from the tsunami last year till the latest floods in and around Tamil Nadu, India has been bearing the brunt of loss and destruction.
And boy, it's raining in Chennai. Pretty amusing that the rains have now gone to such an extent that people are wishing it stops. I can only recall how even this May, everyone around was cursing the city for it's hot weather and no water, wishing it would just rain cats and dogs. And when that does happen, there's no guessing how put off people are by the fact that this rain forces them to remain indoors most of the time.
The first thing I asked when my mom said it was raining back home was "Happy now, there's so much water around?"
"Hmm, yeah...." came the reply. I could see she was wishing there wasn't so much water around in the main roads! I was just thinking about what I used to do if it rained during school; while fervently praying that the school would declare it a holiday, I hated the very fact that I had to stay at home with the fans on at full speed to get the damp clothes drying, with lights on most of the time, and me trying hard to get some Chemistry equations into my head. What was the worse was thinking about how I would have to get back to school the next day.
Are we just unsatisfied souls who always find grass on the other side green?
Happy deepavali :)
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